Saturday, June 18, 2011

New at this...

Hey friends...
       I just created this blog. I am new at this so bare with me and I am sure I will excite you in more ways than one.. well maybe. First of all, Seattle has been a magnificent dream. Oh dear.. I do love it. AND second of all, my punctuation with this blog will not be proper at all. So if it bugs.. I am sorry. I love to do [...] often, and this ellipsis {the proper name for [...] }will occur quite often, but the punctuation will most likely be used in all the wrong ways. Haha... Anyways hopefully I can entertain you with my witty comments and exciting life. :)

       So.. here's to the excitement. During our travels today.. this lovely rainy afternoon.. Cassie, my lovely room-mate and sleepover pal, and I were trying to find our new work... AKA the largest shopping mall in Washington state... (Don't worry about it.. ) And of course.. I, being the "starving" girl that I am, decided to not pay attention to the directions that I had in my lap to the mall and instead, started my grocery list for our after the mall shopping. Yes, I know. Dumb move. Soooo to make a long story short.. AFTER some conversation, witty sparks of embarrassment on my part and a little bit of aggravation... we traveled back and forth to the area of our house numerous times before we figured it out. And needless to say.. I lost my coveted and pride engaging nickname of "Built in GPS" (another story) and I felt a little bit like an idiot for not being a good travel compadre.. considering we are in a territory of the unknown... Nice work Kait. :)


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