Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So FAR! Twenty-12..

Hi all.
It has been quite some time since my last blog post... so I decided that, instead of cleaning my room on my day off, I'll just sit on my bum and write a blog. Ultra productive, I KNOW!  Hahaha. Anyways.. here is what has been happening in my life.. Timeline sequence. :)

December 2011
  • Failed to surprise Grandma and Grandpa at their 50th wedding anniversary.. BUT got to go anyway and I had a glorious time. Love them dearly.
  • Also, at the family christmas party, I announced that I am preparing for a mission. :)

January 2012
  • Celebrated New Years in Seattle, near the Space Needle. Turned out to be a great night!
  • WENT to Canada and made the best friendship ever with MACKENZIE FLEMING!!!
  • Still car-less, I began the BUS system for work. (I am now a pro.)
  • Got promoted at my job as LEAD shift Lead!
  • Started hanging out with some kid named Bret... haha. ;)
  • I built a dresser. An accomplishment I am very proud of. (Thanks IKEA & Cassie for making that possible).
  • Began reading Hunger Games Series
February 2012
  • While Cassie was on vacation, I was in charge of work and..... Lucky lucky lucky ME! Everyone quit working at DownEast that week. Never to return. Awesome. HAha.
  • Hired new people at work. Love them!
  • Finished Hunger Games Series.
  • First date with Bret... Ha. Awesome. Krispy Kremes at the Lake. (kinda cold)
  • A few dates later, became Brets girlfriend. :)
  • Missionary opportunities on the bus.
    • I met a member who is inactive. We began talking just small talk and I later found out that he grew up in Utah, served a mission in Guatamala and then later, moved to the Seattle area, joined the wrong crowd and is no longer an active member of the church. He also gave me his information... AND so I relayed it to the missionaries in my ward. Steven (the guy I talked to on the bus) has come to Sacrament meeting 1 time. By small and simple things, great things will come to pass.
    • Another guy... haha. I have to be careful! :) His name is Jeremy, met him at the bus stop near my work. He was just moving into the area and needed some help getting around. (Don't worry, I made sure I was smart about things.)  Anyways.. plenty of small talk led to me telling him that I was a member of the church. He said his neighbors were members and that he was interested. I invited him to come to the church meetings the following day (it was a saturday night when I met him). He said he would try, and then gave me his information. I, once again, relayed it to the missionaries and have yet to hear anything more about it. Hopefully.. hopefully something good will come of it. :)
March 2012
  • AUDIT. Not a good time for us. Change of work plans.. AMP up the customer service.
  • Still Brets girl. :)
  • Glowsticking out in the middle of nowhere!. :)
  • HUNGER GAMES MOVIE !!!!!!! *Now even more obsessed with Peeta.
  • MORE missionary experience..
    • Kiana is our newest member of the ward. (March 24,2012) Mackenzie, my darling from Januarys Canada trip, has been such a great example to me and Kiana. She was the one who befriended Kiana and who introduced me to Kiana. Later, I began to hang-out and go to institute with the two of them. Seeing Kiana grow in her testimony of the church, strengthened my testimony. I am glad and grateful that I got to give advice and guidance to Kiana, as well as, learn from Kiana and strengthen myself and make myself into a better example of the believers. Kiana's baptism was wonderful and something that I will treasure dearly in my heart.
  • VISIT from my Uncle Burke and Aunt Lonette.
    • Oh how marvelous is it to have FAMILY! That one Thursday that I got to spend with Burke, Lonette and my cousin Sara helped me so much! I gained a boost of love and energy from them. It was a wonderful feeling to know that I am loved. :) They probably don't know this, but that one day of lunch and downtown Seattle made all the difference for the rest of my week and month!
  • Road Trip to Utah for conference was CANCELLED! But on the bright side, I still got to see it at home and at church. Plus, I still got to spend time with Mackenzie!!! :)

... Now a new Quater begins. :) Hahaha. Lots in store for this one! Easter road trip, my 21st birthday, moving home in May, and then sending out Mission papers in June! Sooner than later.... YOU'LL be reading mission experiences! :) Hooray for that! Love you all! Have a rejuvenating spring!!!

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